Sunday, October 7, 2012

Finally--The Red Rock Pasture Trail!

Well, I've been waiting all summer to take Jetta to the Red Rock Pasture, and I finally did! This is a technical trail. The trail starts high on the Nebo Loop Road and drops 1600 feet in four miles. There are multiple creek crossings, ledges, drop-offs, dead fall, and boulders. Tammy and I had a fabulous ride on a glorious sunny fall day; mountain riding doesn't get better than this!

Jetta lead out the whole way; she was forward and brave, only hesitated once or twice when faced with a tough spot on the trail. She was absolutely stellar--I couldn't be happier with her! She really ate up the trail. Going down we mostly walked as it's steep and rocky. On the way back up we did trot a lot of the first three miles. Even though it's a rough trail, it's my very favorite because it is so beautiful.

The cabin was built by the CCC worker in the 1930's. For years people have signed their names on the walls when they've visited. I've been riding this trail for ten years and I never get tired of it! Enjoy the videos!

Jetta has had three visits to the massage therapist this week; he has helped her a lot, but I am not convinced my saddle is not hurting her. So yesterday I happened to see an ad for a used Ortho-flex stitch-down endurance saddle for sale by a lady an hour away from here. She was asking $375 for the saddle, leathers, booties, two high quality dressage girths, and a new Toklat trail pad with pockets. Now I recognize a good deal when I see one, and this was one! So I went and picked it up. I tried it on Jetta in the arena and it seems a good fit. It may however be too big for me, but I'm going to add a fleece seat cover and see if that helps. My only personal experience with an Ortho-flex was when I rode a borrowed horse in a 50-mile endurance ride in Florida. I rode in that saddle for seven hours and it didn't make me sore! I'm hoping this will work for us and help Jetta's back. If not, I'll sell it on, but I'll be asking a lot more than $375!

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