Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm Back!

I've had a long break from writing my blog due to other exciting events such as my youngest daughter's wedding, my oldest daughter's having a baby, and my mother coming out for a wonderful visit. But now I'm back! I got Jetta out on three rides this week, and the two weeks off work didn't seem to hurt her at all--she's fit and full of it! She has made so much progress since I acquired her in March--she's growing up! (And looking good, too!) Jetta is forward and willing with just enough attitude to make riding her exciting.

Check out our video from yesterday:

I'm thinking that Jetta is ready for her first 25-mile debut into the sport of endurance riding. That may be happening in the very near future! More on that later, though.....

Monday, September 3, 2012

On Top Of The World

What a beautiful morning in the mountains! I took Jetta up in the canyon to ride the corral road, which is a 3-4 mile climb to the top, complete with gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains. Jetta made short work of the climb---powered right up there with plenty of power! On the way back down we worked on softening, bending, lateral and vertical flexion, and leg yielding. What a great girl she is!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Birthday Ride

Friday morning (since I was NOT at work, having been granted permission to try out a four-day work week at the school!) I went for a ride with a few friends to celebrate Judy's birthday. We rode the Ponderosa Loop with Jetta leading most of the way since they all declared they didn't want to have their butts videoed with the helmet cam! OK by me---Jetta likes being out in front!

It was a beautiful day for a ride, even a hint of fall in the air. The footing was perfect most of the way due to recent rains. It was great to ride "dust free" but when we came down the steep hill from the frog pond it was like trying to get traction on Crisco! Jetta got anxious and had a hard time keeping her feet under her. I got off and hiked down, leading her. That worked pretty well, and I got back on to finish the ride when we got to drier footing. The other horses (all older, experienced horses) handled it OK. Going up that hill may have been totally impossible! Slicker than slick!

Other than the slippery footing, the rest of the ride was great--Jetta powered up the mountain like a machine, and she went past the gates, boulders, etc. like any good trail horse would do. I'd have to say she's not really green anymore! Yes, she still needs some education, but it's mostly down to the dressage type training now. I continue to work on that on trail, but come winter, she'll get a lot of it in the arena, too.

Check out the latest video: