Jetta passed her first solo test with flying colors today! The fairground arenas were all being used due to a big horse show, so I decided it was time to see how this girl handles herself all alone on the trail. She handled it like everything else I've done with her. Quietly and sanely. I LOVE this baby girl!
We trailered out to Dog Valley which is desert riding at it's finest (read: hottest!) Jetta has been out here once before when I ponied her while riding Keno. I don't ride out west much this time of year since it's HOT, DRY, and windy. (And grasshoppers jump in your face!) It was already late (10:30 am) so the heat was getting up there, but the wind helped some. We saddled up and headed down the trail. Jetta was relaxed and happy, although she was a bit careful in the rocky places. Luckily it's really good footing on most of the trails.

We walked for a while, then trotted a couple of long stretches. We even cantered a short way. She was leaning on the bit and fussing with it quite a lot today. She's not really pulling on me, or trying to run off or anything, she just seems unhappy with the bit in some way. I decided to return to the trailer and switch to the bitless bridle and ride another small loop to see how she felt. However, it was WAY too hot by the time we got back to the trailer and I wimped out. Besides the fact that the hot wind was sucking the fluids right out of us! So I'll experiment later. I think so far the Dr. Cook's bitless bridle that I ride Keno in has been the best for her. I haven't tried it on trail, though.
On the way back home we stopped at the fairgrounds to check out the horse show. I unloaded Jetta and walked her around. She greeted a few horses with a loud whinny, but other than that she was relaxed and calm around all the trailers and activity. She's just an all-around good girl!
By the way, here's a tip for trimming hooves with an angle grinder:
Wear an arm guard! I was trimming at the pony farm and got bumped by an impatient pony and ground a chunk out of my arm. Ouch! I
will be wearing an arm guard from now on!
I have ordered a Hi-Tie for my trailer. It should get here on Monday and I'm hoping to get it installed Tuesday. I need to go up to the trailer dealer and get my water tank repaired also. I am planning to take Jetta camping in the mountains with a couple of friends next Friday! This will be Endurance Camping 101. I'm sure Jetta will pass this one pretty easily.
No fix on the booting issues yet, but the Sole Guard is still in place at least. (See the last couple of posts.)